A decagonal based pyramid will have 11 faces, 11 vertices and 20 edges
It has 9 faces It has 21 edges Its end faces are parallel to each other
12 faces 20 vertices 30 edges
its has parallel faces and edges
An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. The number of parallel edges or faces will depend on the particular octahedron. A heptagon-based pyramid, for example, has no parallel edges nor parallel faces.
A decagonal based pyramid will have 11 faces, 11 vertices and 20 edges
It has 9 faces It has 21 edges Its end faces are parallel to each other
12 faces 20 vertices 30 edges
Edges = 30 Faces = 12 Vertices = 20
20 edges, 11 vertices (corners) and 11 faces.
Vertices: 20 Edges: 30 Faces: 12
its has parallel faces and edges
Assuming a regular decagon is the base of the prism, it would be 10 faces. With an irregular decagon, it is possible that two (or more) of the edges of the decagons are perpendicular, so all 12 faces could have perpendicular edges.
An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. The number of parallel edges or faces will depend on the particular octahedron. A heptagon-based pyramid, for example, has no parallel edges nor parallel faces.
A triangular-based pyramid, also called a tetrahedron, has no parallel faces, but has 4 faces, 6 edges and 4 vertices
19 * * * * * Actually it is 30 edges. Ten around each of the decagonal faces, and ten more connecting the corresponding vertices of the two decagons.