There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 3300 feet is equal to 3300/5280 = 0.625, or five eighths, of a mile.
1,100 yards
60 x 55 = 3300 square feet
31 inches = how many feet and inches 2 feet and 7 inches
However many amounts of 12 there are, that is how many feet, and then the remaining will be how many inches.
129.92 inches.
There are 5280 feet in one mile. Therefore, 3300 feet is equal to 3300/5280 = 0.625, or five eighths, of a mile.
Answer: 3300 ft³ = 93.4455 m³
It depends on how deep it is. Multiply 3300 by the depth (in feet) and divide by 27
1,100 yards
3300 mi = 17424000 ft
60 x 55 = 3300 square feet
31 inches = how many feet and inches 2 feet and 7 inches
Each 10' x 10' tile measures 100 square feet and 3300 square feet divided by 100 square feet gives the answer that 33 tiles are needed.
However many amounts of 12 there are, that is how many feet, and then the remaining will be how many inches.
260 feet is 260 feet 0 inches, or 3,120 inches.
55 inches=4.58333333 feet