162 centimeters is equal to 5.3149606 feet.
162*12 = 1944 inches
Since there are twelve inches to one foot,162 inches/12 = 13.5 feet (13 feet 6 inches)
13.5 feet = 162 inches
13.5 feet
162 Centimeters = 63.779528 Inches
162 centimeters is 5 feet and 3.78 inches.
162cm is exactly 63.7795 inches. This could be rounded to 64 inches. 64 inches is equal to 5 feet 4 inches.
157 centimeters is 5.15 feet or 5 feet and 1.81 inches.
there are about 30 centimeters in a foot 5 times 30 is 150 centimeters, add 7 inches which is about 12 centimeters and then you have 162 centimeters.
162 cm = 5 ft 3.78 inThere are 2.54 centimeters in an inch. That works out to 63.78 inches. That is 5 feet and 3.78 inches.
162 centimeters is equal to 5.3149606 feet.
162*12 = 1944 inches
1 cm = 0.393700787 inches, so 162 cm = 63.77952749 cm, or roughly 63.78 cm.
Since there are twelve inches to one foot,162 inches/12 = 13.5 feet (13 feet 6 inches)
13.5 feet = 162 inches
13.5 feet