1.5 meters is equal to 59.0551181 inches, which is approximately equal to 4 feet 11 inches.
1 meter =39 & 5/16 inches
A meter is 39.37 inches. .9 meters would equal 35.43 inches. If you divide 35.43 inches by 12 (inches in a foot), you would get 2.95 feet in 0.9 meters. These numbers are rounded off to the nearest 100th.
5 ft 6 in = 1.68 metres
1.69 meters = 5 feet 6.54 inches.
5 feet 5 inches = 1.651 meters
9 feet 6 inches is equal to approximately 2.896 meters.
1.5897435 meters
102 meters is equal to 334.65 feet or 334 feet 7¾ inches.
8 feet 6 inches is equal to 2.59 meters.
Answer: 9 m = 29.5275 ' OR 29 ' and 6.33 "
280 meters = 918.635171 feet (918 feet 7 5/8 inches).
1 foot is equal to 0.3048 meters. Therefore, 18 feet is equal to 5.4864 meters.
1.473 m
1 yard is exactly 3 feet (36 inches), but 1 meter is 3 feet and 3 inches. (39 inches)
A meter is 39.37 inches. .9 meters would equal 35.43 inches. If you divide 35.43 inches by 12 (inches in a foot), you would get 2.95 feet in 0.9 meters. These numbers are rounded off to the nearest 100th.
One a meter is a meter and is equal to 3 feet 2.8 inches