There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, 1010 metres is equal to 1010/0.3048 = 3313.65 feet.With four significant figures (that's what we are given in the problem): 3314 feet
There are 1609.344 metres in one mile. Therefore, rounded to three decimal places, 1010 metres is equal to 1010/1609.344 = 0.628 miles.
23 cubic miles = 9.5868182 × 1010 cubic meters.
depends on how big the bricks are
They are 1010 meters in total.
There are 13.05 feet in 3.98 meters.
600 feet = 182.88 meters
90 feet is 27.43 meters.
7.6 feet = 2.31648 meters.
20 feet = 6.096 meters
7500 feet = 2286 meters.
5,280 feet = 1,609.344 meters