A yard is three feet, so twenty-four yards would be three times twenty four feet, or seventy two feet. The would then be 1/72 of these lengths in a foot.
18 feet
There are 20.66666665 yards in 62 feet. 62 feet x 0.333333333 yards/1 foot = 20.66666665 yards 1 foot = 0.333333333 yards
There are: 38 yards and 1 foot
35 yards and one foot
A yard is three feet, so twenty-four yards would be three times twenty four feet, or seventy two feet. The would then be 1/72 of these lengths in a foot.
18 feet
There are 20.66666665 yards in 62 feet. 62 feet x 0.333333333 yards/1 foot = 20.66666665 yards 1 foot = 0.333333333 yards
Three feet in a yard, one third yard in a foot.
483 yards and 1 foot.
3 yards and one foot.
8 yards 1 foot
2333 yards & 1 foot
33 yards and 1 foot.
There are: 38 yards and 1 foot
11 yards and 1 foot
35 yards and one foot