Your pool's volume is 40ft x 16ft x 5.75ft = 3680 cubic feet. 1 cu.ft. = 1728 cubic inches 1 US gallon is 231 cubic inches 3680 x 1728 / 231 = 27528.312 US gallons in that pool.
In feet it measures 5 and a half by 3 by 2 and a third. For simplicity this can be written as 11/2 x 3 x 7/3 = 231/6 = 38 and a half cubic feet
1 gallon = 231 cubic inches(8' x 3' x 1') = 24 cubic feet = 41,472 cubic inches = 179.53 gallons (rounded)
One US Gallon has 231 cubic inches, and the area that you've given is 36 cubic inches. So, 36/231 gallons is the exact answer, which is approximately .1558 gallons (15.6% of 1 gallon)
31 inches = how many feet and inches 2 feet and 7 inches
231 inches = 19 feet 3 inches.
No, because it would have to be 232 inches. 20 feet is 240 inches, and subtract 8", you will have an even number, 232, not an odd number, 231.
231 mm is 9.1 inches.
231 feet 10 inches
1 foot = 12 inch 1 cubic foot = 12 x 12 x 12 cubic inch = 1728 cubic inch 231 cubic inch = 231/1728 cubic feet = 0.134 cubic feet
231/36 = 6.416 yards
Your pool's volume is 40ft x 16ft x 5.75ft = 3680 cubic feet. 1 cu.ft. = 1728 cubic inches 1 US gallon is 231 cubic inches 3680 x 1728 / 231 = 27528.312 US gallons in that pool.
(237 cubic feet) x (1,728 cubic inches per cubic foot) / (231 cubic inches per gallon) = 1772.9 gallons
There are 0.0003048 kilometres in one foot. therefore, 231 feet is equal to 231 x 0.0003048 = 0.0704088 kilometres.
There are 231 cubic inches in one gallon of water.
Length in inches x Hight in inches x Depth in inches = ???? cubic inches. 231 cubic inches = 1 gallon US. So ???? cubic inches divided by 231 will give you ?? gals USA:There are 7.48 gallons per cubic foot. Tank volume = diameter in feet x diameter in feet x .7845 x length in feet = cubic feet. Now multiply this by 7.48
There are 231 cubic inches in 1 gallon of water.