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Q: How many feet are used in each of the first 4 lines use?
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How many feet are used in each of the first 4 lines used in a poem?

There are 4 feet.

Every how many yards or feet are there between the white lines on the football field?

Each yardline marks 5 yards, or 15 feet.

How many stressed syllables are there in the first and third lines of the haunted oak?

The first and third lines of "The Haunted Oak" by Paul Laurence Dunbar both have 7 stressed syllables each.

How many metric feet are in a sonnet?

70 metric feet? well, a sonnet is a short poem consists of fourteen lines. Each line is usually written in iambic pentameter (five iambs... an iamb is equivalent to one metric foot). Meaning, 14 lines of 5 iambs each is equal to 70 iambs or metric feet.

How many feet are in each line of you wandered lonely as a cloud?

The poem "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth has 4 lines.

How many syllables are used in annabel lee?

The rhyme scheme is abab, the first and third lines have four metrical feet, and the second and fourth lines have three feet. 1stanza is ababcb

How many lines does the stanza contains in the poem out in the field with god?

The poem "Out in the Field with God" contains four stanzas. Each stanza varies in the number of lines, with the first stanza having six lines, the second and third stanzas having four lines each, and the final stanza having five lines.

How many lines does a cone have?

Infinitely many. There are infinitely many lines from the apex to the base. Every point on each of these lines is on the surface of the cone.

How many perpendicular lines in a oblong?

Each of the four lines is perpendicular - to two of the other lines.

How many white lines in a mile?

There are 60 white lines in a mile if the lines are spaced at a standard interval of 80 feet.

How many lines of verse in limeric?

A limerick typically consists of five lines of verse. The rhyme scheme is usually AABBA, with lines 1, 2, and 5 containing three metrical feet and lines 3 and 4 containing two metrical feet.

How many lines appear in the drawing below?

18 lines-6 of each color.