At 35 mph you will travel about 154 feet in three seconds.
It depends how fast you are going.
53 and a half minutes
65 mph = 95.3 feet per second.
2640 feet
2.33 minutes.
229 feet
At 35 mph you will travel about 154 feet in three seconds.
125840 feet in 22 minutes
It depends how fast you are going.
0.009 of a mile or about 47 feet
It all depends on how fast you are going.
53 and a half minutes
65 mph = 95.3 feet per second.
2640 feet
To convert feet per minute to feet, you simply multiply the feet per minute value by the number of minutes. For example, if you have a speed of 5 feet per minute and you want to find out how many feet that is in 10 minutes, you would do: 5 feet/min * 10 min = 50 feet.
It takes A/680 hours.