Penguins have 2 webbed like feet (like ducks). They also have 2 wings called flippers.
Penguins have wedded feet so they could swim underwater
Emperor Penguins are around 4 feet tall.
yes they do emperor penguins have not much but not to little hair on their feet :)
penguins keep their eggs on their feet to keep the egg warm.if its not on their feet it might die.
1 that i know of and his name is happy feet
Certainly! Penguins have webbed feet that help them swim efficiently in the water. Their feet are also adapted for walking on land, with special glands to help regulate their body temperature and prevent their feet from freezing in cold weather. Penguins have claws on their feet that come in handy for gripping onto slippery surfaces, such as ice.
penguins have webbed like feet like ducks because it helps them swim
Pigeon's feet are much the same as most other birds.
Penguins travel by walking on their feet or on their bellies when they are tired of walking.
Because they are Mexican penguins!!!!!! :]