to many to countI think also too!Cause there are so many thing that can move.
The answer depends on what gas the balloon contains, its initial velocity and the forces - gravity, buoyancy, cross-wind - acting on it.
The larger the force, the faster something will move. Or more accurately, the faster its velocity would change.
For Archimedes to move the Earth with a lever he would need: - a rock to put under the Earth (to act as a fulcrum) - a board/stick long enough & strong enough to lift the Earth - somewhere to stand....he can't stand ON the Earth and move it, so where would he stand? space?
From the point of view of an earth-bound observer, it appears to move 1 degree, on the average, in 4 minutes.
you would only feel the earth move if it shook which only occurs if there happens to be an earthquake. Ask Carole King. She wrote a song about it called, I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet.
move by their hand and feet move by their hand and feet
The speed of the Earth's rotation at the equator is approximately 1,040 miles per hour or 1,520 feet per second. This speed decreases as you move towards the poles.
it moved a whole 8 feet
Move Your Feet was created in 2003.
they move by feet
they move by feet
Yes earth can move.
There are approximately 7.5 trillion square feet in the state of Texas. This means that every person on earth could stand in the state of Texas and still have plenty of room to move around. In fact, every person on earth would only need 62 billion square feet to stand in, which would leave room for the earth's population approximately 120 more times.