

Best Answer

There's no single answer, because there are an infinite number of correct answers.

From knowing the area (1 acre), that doesn't tell you the dimensions, or the perimeter

(distance around the edge).

Here are a few examples. Everything on this list is 1 acre.

"Perimeter" means how much fence it takes to go around:

40' x 1089'

Perimeter = 2258'

90' x 484'

Perimeter = 1148'

120' x 363'

Perimeter = 966'

121' x 360'

Perimeter = 962'

180' x 242'

Perimeter = 844'

208.71' square

Perimeter = 834.8'

235.5' circle

Circumference = 739.9'

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Q: How many feet go around a 1 acre?
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How Many square feet can go into acre?

1 acre is 43,560 square feet.

How many times around an acre equals one mile?

A mile is 5,280 feet in length, while an acre is 43,560 square feet in area. To find out how many times around an acre equals one mile, you would need to divide the perimeter of a mile (5,280 feet) by the perimeter of an acre (about 835 feet). This would mean you would need to go around an acre approximately 6.3 times to equal one mile in distance.

How many feet of rope do you need to go around one square Acer?

An acer is a type of tree (of the same family as the maple) and the length of rope required to go around it depends on the shape of its trunk! Unless, of course, the rope is required to go around at a specific height. If, instead of acer you meant an acre, the question has no answer, because a square acre is a measure in 4-dimensional hyperspace.

What is the parimiter of 1 acre?

Go to google and type in convert square feet to acre. Then go to school and learn what area is.

What is 0.19 acre in square feet?

Go to Google. Type in "0.19 acre in sq. ft". it will do the calculation for you. in is 8276 sq. ft.

How many feet go around a 19 foot circle?

The circumference is 59.66 feet.

Price for one acre of land in lower michigan?

Depending on exact location, an acre of land will be around 30,000 to 50,000 an acre. In high demand areas, the acreage can go up to 100,000 per acre.

How many feet go around 10 acres?

Assume the area is square.10 acre = 220 * 22 * 9 * 10 = 435 600 sq. feetsq. root of 435 600 to find length of side of square = 660 feettimes 4 to find perimeter length = 2 640 feet

What is 150 feet by 225 feet in terms of acreage?

1 acre = 43,560 square feetThe " area " (go ahead and say it; it won't hurt) of a rectanglethat's 150-ft wide and 225-ft long is150 x 225 = 33,750 square feet = 0.775 acre

How many feet are an acre and please not in square feet?

Its about 209.71 by 209.71 feet but there's a lot more decimals. use the square root button on the standard calculator on for the exact answer. also a very useful website!!! :)An acre is a measure of area which contains 43560 square feet. Thus as long as the sides of the rectangle multiplied together come to this, it will be an acre; thus, for example, rectangle with sides:1 ft x 43560 ft2 ft x 21780 ft4 ft x 10890 ft8 ft x 5445 ft40 ft x 1089 ft66 ft x 660 ftare all rectangles with an area of one acre and so could be the feet by feet of an acre. However:The last example above is [probably] the origin of the size of an acre as it is 1 chain (22 yds or 66 ft) wide by 1 furlong (220 yds or 660 ft) long. This would represent the size of field that could be ploughed in one day - the furlong being "furrow length" (that is the length of furrow) that could be ploughed in one go before resting the oxen; before commencing the next furrow, completing a chain's width of these furrows in one day.

How much square feet are in a square?

Answer: 1.55 acre = 67,518 ft²

How many maps are there in assassins creed 1?

There are about four main places that you go to in the game called Jerusalem, Damascus, Masayaf, and Acre. There are also different kingdoms that you can go to if you're traveling around without fast-forwarding.