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0.01 of a mile is 17.6 yards or 53 feet.

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Q: How many feet in 0.1 tenths of a mile?
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How many feet in 0.01 tenths of a mile?

.01 Tenths of a Mile = 52.8 Feet

What is .01 of a mile?

The question can be answered several ways. I'll assume you mean how many feet. 1 mile is 5280 feet, therefore, .01 of a mile is 52.8 feet. 5280 x .01 = 52.8

How many feet are in 0.1?

01 mile is one mile. There are 5280 feet in one statute or ordinary mile. (There is another kind of mile called a nautical mile)

How many feet are in 0.1 miles?

01 mile is one mile. There are 5280 feet in one statute or ordinary mile. (There is another kind of mile called a nautical mile)

What is One hundredth of a mile in feet?

that would be 5280*.01, or 52.8 feet.

Conversion of 01 mile into 01 nautical mile?


How many people live in a square mile in Ecuador?


When was Mile Kitić born?

Mile Kitić was born on 1952-01-01.

How do we multiply tenths by another tenths?

.1 x .1 = .01

How many feet are in .01 kilometers?

0.01km is 32.81 feet.

How many yards are in .01 of a mile?

0.01 miles is 17.6 yards.

When was Vangjel Mile born?

Vangjel Mile was born on 1986-07-01.