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Q: How many feet in a kilameter?
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How many millimeters are in a kilameter?

1 million millimeters

How many centameters are in a kilameter?

1 kilometer=100,000 centimeters

Is a meter bigger than a kilameter?

No, its 1000 times smaller

How long is a kilameter?

A kilometer is a unit of length equal to 1000 meters or approximately 0.62 miles.

Is a kilameter less than a mile or more?

A mile is 1.6 km, so a kilometer is less than a mile.

How many meters are 1 kilameter?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that 1 km =1000000 mm

How many meter sticks would you have to line up end to end to equal one kilameter?

You would need one thousand meter sticks to equal one kilometer because "kilo" means thousand. So kilometer is one thousand meters.

How many feet are in a 46feet x60 feet?

Well, darling, if you've got a 46 feet x 60 feet area, you're looking at a total of 2,760 square feet. But if you're asking how many individual feet are in that space, you've got 206 feet around the perimeter. So, there you have it, math at its finest!

How many feet by how many feet is 640 cubic feet?

1000 feet

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how many square feet in 25 feet by 6 feet

How many feet by how many feet is 161 acres?

7 feet by 23 feet.

How many kilameters in a hectometer?

A hectometer is the length of the number of dead Greeks killed by Hector on a single day of battle, a kilameter is composed of ten hectometer's, and corresponds to 10 of Hectors business days during the height of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans, or approximately two weeks of solid carnage.