There is 1 ATM at sea level, so 0 (zero) feet of water.
If you need to calculate other pressures or depths:
ATM is the abbreviation for atmosphere's, which is a measurement of pressure. 1 ATM = 14.696 PSI 30 ATM = 440.88 PSI (440.88 pounds)/1 square inch = (40.88 pounds)/(1/144)square feet 63486.72 pounds per square foot. So 30 atmospheres is equal approximately to 63486.72 pounds per square foot.
101.3 kPa = 1 ATM
33.6 feet
ATM is the abbreviation of atmosphere which is used for nautical measurements 1ATM is equivalent to 33 feet so Ur wrist watch is resistant to 33ft wile diving..
1 ATM equals 33.9 feet so rounded up to 34 feet your 10 ATM's equal 340 feet. HTH.
990 ftAdditionApproximately 958 feet for 29 atmospheres of sea water and 1 atmosphere of surface air pressure.
Depends on atmospheric pressure. At 1 ATM this is 10.3m (33 feet)
1 atm
About 10 feet of water equals 1 atmosphere or about 14.7 psi. The entire weight of the atmosphere exerts 1 atm of pressure at ground level therefore about 10 feet of water spread evenly across the face if the earth would weigh the same as all of the gases on the atmosphere.
Let's take a moment to define some terms. The typical value used to represent air pressure at sea level is 14.7 pounds per square inch or 14.7 PSIg. You can think of 14.7 pounds as the "weight" of the entire column above a one square inch surface. For convenience, this pressure is also termed one "Atmosphere" or atm. The formal definition of one atm is 1.01325 x 105 pascals. Think of one atm as "about 15 PSIg". Unlike air, water has the property of not being compressible. The means a given volume of water "weighs" the same, regardless of depth. Accordingly, water pressure increases linearly with depth. It increases about 1/10 atm for each foot of sea water, or 1 atm every 33 feet. A diver at 33 feet of sea water is under a total pressure of 2 atm - one atm of air and one atm of water. At 66 feet, the total pressure is 3 atm, and so on. At 660 feet, the total pressure is 21 atm (660/33) of water plus one of air).
1 atmosphere is 33.9 feet of water.
how many gallons of water are in 200 feet of 1 1/4 pipe
Approx 0.035 cubic feet.
Over 1 oC water is a liquid.
At 212 oF, water boils at 1 atm of pressure.