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Q: How many feet is crossbar from ground?
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How high are the uprights in NFL?

From the ground to the top of the post is 20 feet. The crossbar is at a height of 10 feet and the posts are 18.5 feet apart.

What is the height of the horizontal bar of a high school football goal post?

The crossbar is 10 feet above the ground.

How many feet high is a goal post from the ground?

The heights listed in this question are from the ground to the crossbar. NFL, CFL, NCAA, and High School: 10 Feet Arena Football League: 15 Feet

What is the height of NFL goal posts?

"Goal posts must be single-standard type, offset from the end line and painted bright gold. The goal posts must be 18 feet, 6 inches wide and the top face of the crossbar must be 10 feet above the ground. Vertical posts extend at least 30 feet above the crossbar. A ribbon 4 inches by 42 inches long is to be attached to the top of each post. The actual goal is the plane extending indefinitely above the crossbar and between the outer edges of the posts." is a game played with your feet......the height of the upright.i.e; goalpost is 8Ftsome numpties will say this is soccer........that proves just why they are numpties

How high is the field goal cross bar from the ground?

The goal post must be a minimum of 20 feet above the crossbar and the crossbar is 10 feet above the ground, so that would make the top of the goal post a minimum of 30 feet above the ground. cn xcm

How big is an 11 a side football goal?

In 11-a-side soccer, which is the standard, the crossbar is 8 feet from the ground, and the inner edges of the goal posts are 24 feet (8 yards) apart.

How far off of the ground is a NFL goal post From the ground to the bottom of the goal and from the bottom of the post to the top?

10 feet high (the same height as a NBA hoop) NFL Rules states the top of the goal post must be a minimum of 30 feet off the ground. That would make the minimum length of the goal post 20 feet as the crossbar is 10 feet off the ground.

How tall is the field goal post?

The upright post in the NFL are 18 ft 6, and the crossbar is 10 feet off the ground.

What is the width of the crossbar?

It is 18 feet 6 inches inside to inside.

How tall is a field goal crossbar?

8 feet tall by 8 meters wide

How many feet did the twin towers go into the ground?

100 feet into the ground

How long is a football goal post?

Goalposts in American football are 20 feet high, 18 feet 6 inches wide, and have a crossbar 10 feet above the ground that the ball must cross over to make a successful field goal or point after touchdown.