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172 cm = 5.6 feet.

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Q: How many feet is equal to 172cm?
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Convert 172Cm to feet and inches?

5 feet 7.72 inches.

How tall is rangiku from bleach?

172cm or 5'8 feet.

What is 172cm if converted into feet in inches?

172 cm = 5feet 7.2inches (rounded)

What is the normal weight when height is 172cm?

i am 172cm, i weigh 57Kg and i think it is normal.

How big is Russell howard's feet?

5.11 no he's not hes shorter he's 5ft 9.5inches

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Two feet are equal to how many feet?

Feet and feet are the same measurement. Therefore, 2 feet is equal to 2 feet.

How many feet are equal to ten feet?

Feet and feet are the same measurement. Therefore, 10 feet is equal to 10 feet.

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About 3.281 feet are equal to 100 centimeters.

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1 mile is equal to how many feet?

1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet.

5.10 feet is equal to how many feet?

5.10 feet