This question cannot be answered sensibly. A foot is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. A ton is a measure of mass, with dimensions [M]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
1600 cfm
Knowing that 1 cubic foot is pretty much equal to 100 pounds or 0.05 ton, 1 ton of gravel is around 20 cubic feet.
1 ton = rate of heat absorption to melt 1 ton of ice in 24 hours =12,000 BTU per hour = 3,516 watts.
mtu = metric ton unit 1 dollars per mtu = 1 dollars per ton
1600 cfm
2,205 pounds per metric ton.
1,000 pounds per 1/2 ton.
Ton for air conditioner1 ton of air conditioning = 12,000btu`s of cooling per 1 hour. 2 ton = 24,000 btu`s of heat removed in 1 one hour3 ton - 36,000 and so on.Airflow is measured in CFM (cubic feet per minute)
12,000 BTU equals 1 A/C Ton.
1 ton of heating is equal to 12,000 BTU per hour.
54.66666........ tons
mtu = metric ton unit 1 dollars per mtu = 1 dollars per ton
1 TON of air conditioning requires 400 cubic feet per minute of air movement in the average HVAC system.
Mach 1 per second is 230,281,663 feet per second.
About 1.10231 US tons per metric ton.