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Q: How many feet per secon does paratrooper fall when frist leving a milatary jump plane?
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What do you call a person who jumps from a plane with a parachute?

A paratrooper? Either that or SkyDiver

What were some of Leonardo Da Vinci?

Leonardo made lots of things he made the frist plane the frist tank but one of his best inventions was the frist italian hand gun

Where did the wright brothers fly their frist plane?

Kitty hawk, North Carolina

From which plane did German paratrooper jump?

Their transport aircraft were the common Junkers 52, which carried 17 paratroopers, and the DFS 230 glider, which carried over a ton of heavier weapons and equipment, or troops, and could be towed by an empty Junkers 52 and released over the landing zone.

Who discovered what he paratrooper really is On Lord of the Flies?

In "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, it is Simon who discovers that the figure they have mistaken for the "beast" during a storm is actually a dead paratrooper. Simon is a character known for his empathy and deeper understanding of the situation on the island.

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A plane is the coordinate plane.

Ride a plane or ride in a plane?

ride in a plane. you would fly a plane

How is a plane used these days?

There are several types of 'plane'. A plane for smoothing wood. A plane as in geometry A 'plane as in an aeroplane

What is a profile plane in engineering graphics?

the plane which is perpendicular to both horizontal plane and vertical plane is called as "PROFILE PLANE"

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The plane that divides the body into unequal left and right protions is the?

Sagittal. Midsaggittal plane divides the body into equal halves