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Q: How many feet will it take to stop going 55mph?
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When travailing at 55mph how many feet do you need to stop?

when traveling at 55mph, how many feet do you need to stop

How many feet do you need to stop the car Driving at 55mph?

400 ft

How longs does it take to stop a empty half ton pickup truck going 55mph?


What is the braking distance of a semi loaded with sod?

depends on speed travelled, road conditions, weight of load If you're going 55mph, a loaded tractor-trailer needs about 300 feet to come to a stop.

How many feet does a car which was going 30 mph?

44 feet per second.

About how many feet does a car going 70 mph travel before it comes to a stop?

It takes a car 387 feet to come to complete stop when going 70mph.

If you are going 30 miles an hour in good condition it will take how many feet to stop?

55 feet

If you are going 25 miles an hour how many feet will it take you to stop?

Stopping Distance = about 56.25 feet.

Once the brakes have been applied about how many feet does a car which was going 50 mph travel before it comes to a stop?

229 feet

About how many feet will the average driver going 50 mph travel from the moment he sees danger until he hits the brakes is it 119 or 229 feet to stop?

It will take an average of 229 feet to stop after going 50 miles per hours after seeing danger to stop. This will vary according to condition of brakes and drivers reaction time.

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how mant feet from the stop sign ahould you stop

How many feet should you leave to stop if a car is going 35 mph?

It depends on the car's weight and braking capabilities.