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Only 1. Usually a Betta is all that is kept in a 3 gallon tank

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Q: How many fish should be in a 3 gallon tank?
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How many guppy fish should you keep in a gallon tank?

2 or 3

How many gallon fish tank should you get for 6 fish?

The rule of thumb is usually a gallon per fish, so six gallons would be good. If the fish are on the large side (like a goldfish), then a seven gallon tank would be ideal.

How many fish can you put in your 186 gallon tank?

It is generally recommended to have 1 inch of fish per gallon of water. So in a 186-gallon tank, you could have approximately 186 inches of fish. However, it's important to consider the specific needs and behaviors of the fish species you choose to ensure they have enough space to thrive.

How many guppys should i put in a one gallon tank?

guppys are tropical fish. they require a heater, and 1 gallon is to small for a heater

1 gallon tank what type of fish can you put in it?

A 1 gallon tank could have one betta fish, but you will need to be diligent about changing the water on a regular basis. The smallest tank that should be used, even for a betta, is a 2.5 gallon tank as it at least gives the fish swimming room.

How many fish for a 4 gallon tank?

id say 15 fish

What is Should you get with a 1 gallon tank A Betta fish or a variety of fish?

A betta fish would be much more suited to a 1 gallon tank than a 'variety'. You shouldn't keep much more than one fish per gallon anyway.

What is the wide is a 55 gallon fish tank?

length and width for a 55 gallon fish tank

How do you cure ich in a 125 gallon saltwater tank?

Remove the sick fish..... the fish that has the ich should be put in a hospital tank then treated for ich, corals do not get ich, only the fish, so a ten gallon tank with a aerator would be ideal for a hospital tank....

How do you breed guppy fish in a half gallon tank?

just leave 2 mails and 1 female guppy in the tank with no other fish in the tank at all times.-Shocker There should be 3 females to one male. If there are too many males, the females will get stressed out. I would recommend a larger fish tank than a half gallon. Maybe a 10 gallon tank. Remember, you are going to have some babies. Where will you put them?

How many beer bottles fit in a 100 gallon tank?

This is simply funny if it really means a fish tank.About 1025.5 for a standard 100 gallon fish tank if the beers are 12 fl oz.Remember fish tank gallon sizes are measured by outside dimensions.

What fish is best in a 1 gallon tank?

The tank you have described is extremely small and should not be used to house any fish. 1 gallon is not enough space for a fish to swim around, and it will most likely have a very short life if kept in this tank