

How many fives in a deck of cards?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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there are four 5s each one a different suit ( hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs)

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Q: How many fives in a deck of cards?
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One 5 of diamonds in a deck of cards

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There are 4 fives and 26 black cards in a standard deck.

In a standard deck of 52 playing cards how many cards are a five or a nine?

There are four fives and four nines; so the number of cards that are a five or a nine is 4 + 4 or 8.

How many times would you chose two fives one after the other in a deck of cards?

The question is a little ambiguous. The simpler version is: if you picked up a shuffled deck of cards and drew two cards from it, what is the possibility that they would both be fives? The probability of drawing the first five is 4 out of 52, or 1/13. The probability of drawing the second five is then 3 out of 51, or 1/17. Combining these, you get that this should happen on average once in 13x17 = 221 tries. The more complicated version is: what is the probability that if you KEEP drawing cards from the deck that you will EVENTUALLY pull out two fives in a row? This is somewhat more likely, but the math does get complicated.

How many cards are there in deck of cards?

There are 52 cards in a deck of cards.

What is the probability of drawing a face card or a five from a deck of 52 cards?

Face cards are a King, Queen, or a Jack. There are 4 cards of each. So including the the 4 fives there are 16 total cards to pick in a standard deck of 52 cards. 16/52 = 4/13

How many fives are in a set of playing cards?

FOUR (4)

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13 diamons are in a deck of cards

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There are 52 cards in a playing deck.

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There are four nines in a deck of cards.

How many cards in a deck are not spade?

In a normal deck there are 39 such cards.

How many red cards are in a deck of cards?

In a standard deck of playing cards, there are 26 red cards.