A centimetre is a measure of length or distance while a fluid ounce is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and, according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid.
128 fl oz
12.7 (12.6803) fl oz
9 fl oz = 0.28125 quarts1 quart = 32 fl oz9 fluid oz = 9 fl oz * 1 quart/32 fl oz = 0.28125 quarts
1 quart = 32 fl oz
18 cups1 US cup = 8 US fl oz144 fl oz:= 144 fl oz * 1 cup/8 fl oz= 18 cups
There are NO fl oz in ANY 'cm' . -Cm ( centimetres) is a measure of LENGTH .
That is 5 fl oz.
That is 9.805 fl oz.
400 oz
5 fl oz.
That is 1,920 fl oz.
That is 256 fl oz.
That is 192 fl oz.
That is 192 fl oz.
That is 176 fl oz.
That is 240 fl oz
That is 96 fl oz.