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Q: How many food advertisements do children see on television per year?
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What are some famous advertisements for alcohol?

There are many famous advertisements for alcohol in the internet and in television advertisements. For example, the most famous ads are from Heineken.

How does watching tv affect childrens eating habits?

Eating while watching can lead to overweight followed by obesity. Our minds are occupied on what we are watching and the brain is slow to send the message of the feeling of "fullness" because it is busy focusing on the television. Children growing up watching while they have their meals tend to keep this habit and have a higher chance of being overweight as an adult. DEBATING_GIRL: I am continuing from what the above person said. When kids watch TV they see many advertisements. Usually these advertisements promote an unhealthy food or drink. This makes children THINK they're hungry but they reaaly aren't. So then they go look around for junk food or they might nag their parents to buy them what they saw.

Why is there so many advertisements on tv?

because the television programmes want to be longer so that is what they do

Who writes tv advertisements?

TV advertisements come from many different sources. Some of them are written by people who work directly for the companies doing the advertising, while others are created by ad agencies and marketing companies. Still other TV advertisements are written by freelance workers and consultants who may write ads for many different companies.

Disadvantage of Direct response TV advertisements?

There can be many disadvantages with TV advertisements, including the money needed to buy the advertisement slots on cable. They may also be out of date or have time sensitive specials running.

How do you get an Audition for tv or a movie?

You will just have to keep an eye out for advertisements for open auditions. These appear on many websites and things such as newspapers.

Where can somebody view a Best Buy ad?

You can find Best Buy advertisements in many places including newspapers, billboards, television, and posters. You can also find advertisements for Best Buy on sites like Youtube for commercials and shoplocal.

How many advertisements does one person see in 24 hours?

In the countries of the developed western civilization the average person will see approximately 150 advertisements in 24 hours from all media involved [Radio, TV, News Papers, Billboards].

What kinds of advertising are shown on movie theater screens before films?

Before the films at movie theaters there is usually many different advertisements show to the viewers. Some of these advertisements include previews for new upcoming movies and television shows.

What are abuses of television?

Television has many abuses and some aimed at the children of all ages in our society. There are pornography channels; media on people like Britney Spears who has a past like 50 miles of bad road, but she is now made out to be a heroine and kids flock to see her in concerts and buy her CD's. Fashion and beauty and advertisements of medications are next on the list and play on the emotional needs of adults and children alike. Explicit sex and horrific crime scenes in movies or documentaries. Television should not be used as a babysitter for children and parents should always be aware of what their children are watching.

Where can one find a O2 advertisement?

Many advertisements, commercials, and tv shows have become readily available to view on the internet, as long as you know where to look. The most popular website for this purpose is YouTube. Advertisements for O2 should be easily found using this site.

What is the best way to search for a new dating service?

Many dating services advertise on television. I see commercials for, and often on television. There are also advertisements on many websites for other dating services.