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Oh, dude, 3000 feet is like 1000 yards, and a football field is 100 yards, so it's like 10 football fields. But hey, who's counting, right? Just imagine a bunch of dudes tossing around a pigskin for days on end.

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Q: How many football fields is 3000 ft?
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Is a mile really 17 football fields long?

If a football fiels is 100 yards (300 ft) and a mile is 5280 ft then a mile is 17.6 football fields.

How many football fields in 10 miles?

a football field is 360 ft i think so like 3.6111111111 with the 1's repeating

How many football fields does 100 square miles equal?

Before calculating, it is easier to convert sizes to similar units, in this case, feet. 1 sq. mile = 5280 feet x 5280 feet = 27,878,400 sq.ft. 100 sq. miles = 27,878,400 sq. ft. x 100 = 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. 1 football field (including end zones) = 360 ft. long by 160 ft. wide = 57,600 sq.ft. 100 sq. miles divided by 1 football field = x x = how many football fields fit into 100 square miles 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. divided by 57,600 sq. ft. = 48,400 football fields Therefore, 100 square miles = 48,400 football fields However . . . If endzones are not included in the calculation, then the size of one field = 300 ft. x 160 ft. = 48,000 sq. ft. 2,787,840,000 sq. ft. divided by 48,000 sq. ft. = 58,080 football fields Therefore, 100 square miles = 58,080 football fields

How many centimeters in 3000 ft?

3000 ft = 91440 cm

Hom many football fields are in a mile?

The answer is 17.6 football fields using 5280 ft(1 mi.) divided by 300. Of course this number will be a bit less if you accounted for the size of the endzones at each end of the field. If you account for the endzones, the answer is 14.666 football fields. Using the same 5280 ft in a mile divided by 360 ft. The endzones are 10 yds(30ft) each.

How many football fields does 400 square miles equal?

400 sq. miles = 27,878,400 sq. ft. x 100 = 2,787,840,000 sq. ft.

-D How long is 5000 feet like compared to a football field?

If you do not include the a football field is 100 yards long = 300 ft So 5000 ft is about 16 and 2\3 football fields without If you include the a football field is 120 yards long=360 ft So 5000ft is about 13 and 8\9 football fields with

How many football fields equal the length of the titanic?

About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])

How many football fields is in 300 acres?

The play area of the standard NFL field ... not counting the coaches' boxes andthe bench areas ... is 360-ft by 160-ft = 57,600 square feet.1 acre = 43,560 square feet1 football field = 1.3223 acres (rounded)3.5 acres = 2.6469 football fields (rounded)

How many yards is 3000 ft?

1000 yards

How many meters is 3000 square feet?

3,000 square feet equates to 278 (278.7091) square meters.

How many sq yards are in 3000 sq ft?

3000 square feet is 333.3 square yards