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Q: How many forty five degree angles does it make to make a full turn?
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How many 1 degree angles are are in a full circle?

There are 360 one degree angles in a full turn

What is forty-five degrees in shortened form?

One eighth of a full arc.

How many 360 degree angles does it take to make a full turn?


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What angles are used to make a hexagon?

60 degree angles. 360 degrees (a full revolution) divided by 6=60 degrees. Also, they are all obtuse angles.

How many 90 degrees do it take to make a full turn?

It takes 4 90 degree angles to make a full circle

How many 40 degree angles does it take to make a full turn?

It takes: 360/40 degrees = 9

What is the unit measurement for angles?

The unit for measuring angles is the degree. A right angle is 90 degrees, a full turn is 360 degrees.There is also a unit called the radian. A full turn is 2pi or 6.28... radians.

Why does a regular pentagon not tessellate the plane?

In order for a polygon to tessellate, the angles must add up to 360 degrees, to come full circle. Triangles have 60 degree angles, so 6 of them circle together. Squares have 90 degree angles, so 4 of them tessellate to a point. Hexagons can even tessellate, because the 120 degree angles add up to 360. But pentagons have 108 degree angles. Three of them add up to 324, only leaving 36 degrees left to close the circle.

How many 60 degree angles make a full turn?

Six of them because 6 times 60 = 360 degrees which is a full turn

What does the degree symbol mean?

The degree symbol (°) is used to represent units of measurement for angles or temperature. It is commonly used to specify temperatures in weather forecasts or to indicate angles in geometry and navigation.

How many 120 angles does it take to make a full turn?

A full turn is 360 degrees, so it would take three 120 degree turns.