There are 24 twelfths in 2. To convert a whole number to twelfths, you simply multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction you want to convert to, so 2 multiplied by 12 equals 24. This means there are 24 twelfths in 2.
There are 28800 twelfths in 2400.
The denominator is how many pieces are in a whole, or one, while the numerator is the number of pieces you have of the whole.
The bottom number in a fraction (the denominator) Tells you how many pieces A whole is cut up into.
There are 24 twelfths in 2. To convert a whole number to twelfths, you simply multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction you want to convert to, so 2 multiplied by 12 equals 24. This means there are 24 twelfths in 2.
2 million halfs make 1 million.
14 has 168 twelfths. 1/4 has 3 twelfths.
There are 28800 twelfths in 2400.
There are: 6
It depends. If you mean how many pieces there are in all, It's the denominator. But if it is how many pieces are left in a whole, it's the numerator.
48 twelfths.
There are 6
nine twelfths
A fraction greater than 1 whole is called an improper fraction. In an improper fraction, the numerator is greater than the denominator, indicating a value greater than 1. For example, the fraction 5/3 is greater than 1 whole because 5 is greater than 3. Improper fractions can be converted to mixed numbers for easier understanding and comparison.