4.54545455 furlongs
A furlong is 1/8 mile and a fortnight is 14 days, or 336 hours 1 furlong/fortnight = 1/8/336 = 0.000372 mph 75/.000372 = 201,600 furlongs per fortnight = 75 mph
1 furlong = 220 yds ⇒ 8 furlongs = 8 x 220 yds = 1760 yds A furlong is 1/8 mile and is used in measuring horse racing distances. ⇒ 8 furlongs = 1 mile = 1760 yds
8.33 yards per second.
220 yds in a furlong 1760 yds in a mile 8 furlongs in 1 mile so 1760/8 = 220 yds
45 mph is equal to 60 furlongs per fortnight.
0.0136362280658 furlongs 3 yards*1 furlongs 220 yards=0.0136362280658 furlongs
1,760 yards is 8 furlongs.
4.54545455 furlongs
A furlong is 1/8 mile and a fortnight is 14 days, or 336 hours 1 furlong/fortnight = 1/8/336 = 0.000372 mph 75/.000372 = 201,600 furlongs per fortnight = 75 mph
1 furlong = 1/8th mile = 220 yards.2 furlongs = (2 x 220) = 440 yards
1.116 miles = 8.928 furlongs.
There are 220 yards in one furlong. Therefore, 100 yards is equal to 100/220 = 0.45 recurring (that is, 0.454545...) furlongs.
First of all, there are 660 feet in a furlong, not 600. Five furlongs = 1100 yards.
220 Yards = 1 Furlong 5 x 220 = 1,100 yards.
The St. Leger horse race is run on a 14.6 furlong route - equal to 1 mile 6 furlongs 132 yards.
The speed is: 7 inches per minute.It may be converted into many other units of speed.Here are a few others:-- 2.963 millimeters per second-- 58.106 miles per year-- 11.67 yards per hour-- 17.818 furlongs per fortnight-- 0.00663 mile per hour-- 102,267.2 yards per year-- 0.01067 kilometer per hour-- 4.6981 miles per cycle of moon phases