30536.28 gallons By figuring your pool's depth, you can then determine how much water your pool holds. This is how you would find the average depth: shallow end depth + deep end depth divided by 2. Rectangular pool: Lenght x Width x average depth x 7.5 total gallons. Oval pool: full width x full length x average depths x 5.9 total gallons. Sloping sides: If your pool has sloping sides, multiply the final figure by .85. Hope this helps. === === An 18 foot round by 42``tall pool holds 7300 to 7500 gal.
2000 gallons
10 gallons
It depends on the size of the pool!
It depends on the size of the pool but 20,000 gallons is pretty common.
Assuming your pool is round about 800 gallons.
Depending on how full you are getting the pool (vinyl pools typically go to 80%) you are looking at 3,700 gallons for an 18 foot by 36 inch pool.
25,000 Gallons
161,280 gallons.
2000 gallons
10 gallons
It depends on the size of the pool!
It depends on the size of the pool but 20,000 gallons is pretty common.
Assuming your pool is round about 800 gallons.
264 gallons is the max if it's a blow-up pool.
To clean algae from a vinyl pool liner after it has become crystallized, use a solution of bleach and water with a scrub brush. One cup of bleach for every 5 gallons of water should be enough to clean the vinyl liner. Rinse well, then let dry before storing the pool.
How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?