8 US gallons = 1024 US fluid ounces
4 ounces. 2.5 is 1/8 of 20. So 1/8 of 32 ounces is how much you need. 32 divided by 8 is 4. You need 4 ounces.
137 oz
132 oz
1 gallon = 16 cups and 1 cup= 8 fluid ounces and 1 gallon equals 128 fluid ounces so it is not even a gallon it is a fourth of a gallon 32 fluid ounces is equal to one quart
One US gallon is equal to 128 fluid ounces. Therefore, 8 gallons is equal to 8 x 128 = 1024 fluid ounces.
8 US fluid ounces is equal to about 0.052 UK gallon.
8 gallons
8 fluid ounces is 0.06 gallons. (US)
If each glass holds 8 ounces, then 8 of them = 1/2 gallon. If each glass holds 12 ounces, then 8 of them = 3/4 gallon. If each glass holds 16 ounces, then 8 of them = 1 gallon.
8 fluid ounces = 0.0625 gallons.
8 fluid ounces is 0.0625 gallons. (US)
Two gallons equals 256 fluid ounces.
There are 16 cups in a gallon, so 2.5 gallons is 40 cups. Since there are 8 ounces in a cup, 2.5 gallons is equal to 320 ounces. Therefore, there are 40 8-oz glasses of water in 2.5 gallons.
8 US gallons = 1024 US fluid ounces
There are 16 cups in a gallon, so 2 gallons is equal to 32 cups. Since there are 8 fluid ounces in a cup, 2 gallons is equal to 256 fluid ounces. Therefore, 21.33 cans of 12 ounce soda would equal 2 gallons.
There are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon. Therefore, 8 gallons would be equal to 1024 fluid ounces.