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Take the car you drive, miles you drive per year, mileage of the vehicle divided into total miles will give you gallons used.6,000 miles driven by a car getting 30 mpg means it used 200 gallons.

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Q: How many gallons of gasoline does one car use in a year?
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A car travels 150 miles on 12 gallons of gasoline. How many gallons of gasoline are needed to travel 500 miles?

40 gallons

How many gallons of fuel does the US consume in a year?

I don't know if this is the exact answer to your question, but Americans use about 385 million gallons of gasoline every day.

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Divide 360 by 12, then multiply by 4

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31 gallons

If you are traveling 543 miles and you know that your car gets 18 miles per gallon of gasoline approximately how many gallons of gasoline will you need for a one-way trip?

31 gallons

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If a car uses 20 gallons of gasoline for a trip of 360 miles how many gasoline would it take to get 468 miles?

At this rate it should take approx. 26 gallons for 468 miles

A car has a mileage rating of 38 miles per gallon of gasoline How many miles can the car travel on 76.5 liters of gasoline?

To convert liters to gallons, divide by 3.785. 76.5 liters is equal to 20.2 gallons. Multiply 20.2 gallons by 38 miles per gallon to get 767.6 miles. The car can travel approximately 767.6 miles on 76.5 liters of gasoline.

How much gas does an average car use in a year?

The average car uses up 600 gallons of gasoline a year (based on gas consumption of both passenger cars and light trucks), which is an average of 50 gallons of gas a month.

A car travels 359 miles on 6.6 gallons of gasoline How many miles per gallon did the car get?

359 devide by 6.6