How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?
A 15 cubic foot tank will hold a maximum of about 112.2 gallons of water.
15 acres = 653,400ft²
If you fill it with 4 feet of water (48 inches), the pool will contain about 5,310 gallons of water.
If it is a rectagular pool, there are approximately 11,496 gallons of water.
How many gallons of water for a 15'x30' swimming pool?
360' gallons of water!!!!!!!
80,790 gallons
A 15 f by 48 in pool holds approximately 4500 gallons of water.
A 15 cubic foot tank will hold a maximum of about 112.2 gallons of water.
61.2 gallons for every 15 feet.
A 2' by 15' cylinder will hold up to 352.51 gallons.
15 gallons
6,200 gallons.
15'x33'x54" holds 16,662.9 US gallons of water.
15 acres = 653,400ft²
15 cubic feet equates to 112.21 US gallons of water.