11,200 gallons. (70 * 20 * 8) * (cubic ft) = 83,781.8182 US gallons
11,200 (cubic feet) = 83,781.8182 US gallons.
Note: Google can Be used for unit conversion.
89.8 gallons for every foot of depth.
formula for determining how many gallons in a pool is, length times width times average depth times 7.5 = gallons of water in pool if it round or oval its times 5.9
get the DEPTH and the UNITS OF MEASUREMENT, then go back to 1st class mathematics. you'll figure it out.
48,000 gallons of water
a pool is a cylinder. the volume is the surface area times the depth. the surface area is pi ( 3.14) times the radius squared which in your case is 3.14 x 12 x12 =462 square feet. multiply the depth in feet 4 feet ( you don't fill it right to the top) =1848 cubic feet. there are 8 gallons in a cubic foot of water therefore you need 14,784 gallons of water to fill a 24 by 52 foot round pool
If the bottom is flat and level, then it takes 239.38 gallons for each inch of the water's depth.
89.8 gallons for every foot of depth.
A pool this size with an average depth of 16 feet requires 462,560 gallons of water to fill it to the top.
approximately 17,600 gallons (assuming it is fill 4" less than the 5' depth)
This can not be answered with the information you have given.
A standard NHL ice rink holds about 10,600 gallons of water. The exact amount can vary depending on the size and depth of the rink, but a typical ice rink will require thousands of gallons to fill.
It takes 7 gallons to fill a entire tire!
formula for determining how many gallons in a pool is, length times width times average depth times 7.5 = gallons of water in pool if it round or oval its times 5.9
5300 gallons
Depends on the depth of the water. If you go to four feet deep the total would be about 13,594 gallons.
get the DEPTH and the UNITS OF MEASUREMENT, then go back to 1st class mathematics. you'll figure it out.
Fill a gallon bucket, timing how long it takes to do so. Then fill your hot tub using the same source... example: if you filled the bucket with a hose, then fill the tub using the same hose. Then time how long it takes to fill the tub and divide the time it takes to fill the tub by the time it takes to fill the bucket and then you know how many gallons it is.