

Best Answer

you would measure this same way as a cylinder


pi = 3.14159 (approx.)




First calculate the area of the circle: A=pi*r*r

Then multiply by the height to attain volume: v = A*h = pi*r*r*h

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Q: How many gallons of water in one half inch copper pipe 1 foot long?
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How many gallons of water does a half acre twelve foot pond hold?

A pond this size holds up to about 1,955,108 gallons of water.

How many gallons of water will a ten foot round by three feet deep pool hold US gallons?

half a pint

How many gallons in a 24 foot round pool that is 4 and a half foot deep?

15228.5 US gallons 12680.4 Imperial gallons when it is filled to 4 and a half feet.

How many gallons of water into two and half inch pipe hold?

0.255 gallons per foot of pipe. A 10 ft long pipe that size holds 2.55 gallons.

How many gallons of water are in half an acre?

It depends on the depth of the water. Assuming the water in one inch deep, there would be about 13,577 gallons of water in the half acre.

How many gallons of water per foot will a 5 inch pipe hold?

A 5-inch pipe will hold approximately 0.36 gallons of water per linear foot. This calculation is based on the formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder (V = πr^2h), where the radius (r) is half the diameter of the pipe (2.5 inches) and the height (h) is 1 foot.

How many gallons of water are in a 16 by 3 and a half foot pool?

That cant be worked out without knowing the depth. However here is a link (below) to work this out.

How many gallons of water to fill a 27 foot by 6 foot deep pool?

Answer: 25695.52 Gallons (filled to top, about 20,100 gallons filled to 5 foot) Math: Volume of a cylinder = radius2 X Pi X height In the case of your pool, Radius = half of 27 = 13.5, height = 6 and Pi is about 3.1415 Volume = 13.5 X 13.5 X 3.1415 x 6 = 3435.23 cubic feet 1 cubic foot = 7.48 gal 3435.23 X 7.48 = 25695.52 Gallons

How many gallons of water in one surface acre?

One surface acre of land is equivalent to 43,560 square feet. One acre-foot of water is equal to the volume of water that would cover an acre of land to a depth of one foot. Therefore, an acre-foot of water is equal to about 325,853 gallons.

How many gallons does a half acre pond hold that is 3 feet deep?

Approximately 977,553 gallons of water.

4 gallons equals how many pounds?

4 US gallons of water is approximately 34.12 pounds.

If it rains a half inch on 1 acre of land and how much water will be produced in gallons?

One acre is equivalent to 43,560 square feet. If it rains half an inch on this area, it would be 1,089 cubic feet of water. Given that 1 cubic foot is about 7.48 gallons, the total amount of water produced would be approximately 8,148 gallons.