One cubic foot of water is 7.4805 gallons.
There are 7.48052 US gallons per cubic foot.
1 cubic foot of water is 7.48052 US gallons.
One cubic foot of sea water contains about 7.5 gallons.
7.481 gallons equal one cubic foot.
One cubic foot of water is 7.4805 gallons.
There are 7.48052 US gallons per cubic foot.
There are 7.481 gallons in one cubic foot.
1 cubic foot of water is 7.48052 US gallons.
One cubic foot of sea water contains about 7.5 gallons.
7.481 gallons equal one cubic foot.
My guess would be 7.48 gallons since that is how many gallons of water is in a cubic foot
One cubic foot of water contains: 7.48 gallons.
One cubic foot is equal to about 7.48 gallons of water.
I'm assuming water -- then you would have 748.05 gallons of water in 100 cubic foot volume.
One cubic foot of water is approximately equal to 7.48 gallons.
920.1 gallons. 1 cubic foot=7.48 gallons