

Best Answer

If the pond is perfectly rectangular all the way to the bottom,

then the volume of the pond is:

6' x 4' x 1' = 24 cubic feet = 179.53 gallons.

We have no way to know how much water there may be in it.

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Q: How many galons of water are in an-6 x 4 x 1 fish pond?
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Where to fish on harvest moon ds?

You can fish in any body of water, including the Goddess pond and Turtle pond.

What is fish pond method?

Water in the pond is either fresh or marine. The pond may be dug and the water may be supplied into it, or it may be just a natural pond with water . See to it that the pond is free from wild fish and toxic materials because these are dangerous to growing fish Wish this will help xD Add me on facebook or Subscribe

Where could one buy fish pond supplies?

One can buy all types of fish pond supplies from Walmart, Amazon and ebay. Pet Smart also sell many fish pond supplies including food, water pumps and filtration units.

When do pond fish mate?

When the pond temperature rises, water levels increase, and other thing I don't know. But those are true for most pond fish.

Ddo fish floating in a pon add weight to the overall weight of the water?

Yes, fish do add weight to the overall weight of the water in a pond. This is because the fish has mass, which adds to the mass of the water. As the fish swims around in the pond, it displaces the water in the pond, which adds to the overall weight of the water in the pond. Furthermore, when a fish excretes waste or urine, it adds to the overall weight of the water in the pond. The additional organic matter in the water, such as food particles and other organic materials, also add to the overall weight of the water in the pond.

Is it true that if a pond has too many plants and fish the fish will die?

Yes, if a pond becomes overcrowded with plants and fish, it can lead to a lack of oxygen in the water due to excess decaying organic matter and respiration by the fish. This can potentially result in a decrease in water quality and the death of fish. Maintaining a balanced ecosystem with appropriate stocking levels of fish and management of plant growth is important for the health of the pond.

Where can someone purchase pond fish?

There are many places to purchase pond fish. A local home improvement or garden store will be the easiest place to find pond fish. Also online retailers will offer pond fish.

Does water produce a home for mosquito fish and pond snails?

Yes, Mosquitos lay there eggs in water and there larva live in water, Fish need water to survive and pond snails can also thrive in water.

Can cats catch fish in a fresh water pond?


Does algae in a fish pond contribute to the amount of oxygen in the water for the fish to breath?


Moving pond golf fish to new pond how do you do this?

Put pond water in a cooler with fish in it. Then bring it to the other pond and put small amounts of the new water into the cooler so it slowly adjusts to the environment. After about 20 or 30 minutes of doing this, take the fish out of the cooler and put them into their new home.