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Q: How many gauge equal 0.45mm?
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How many gauge equal to 1 Katha?

How many gauge in 1katha

How many gauge is equal 0.5mm?

coating sheet

What gauge is a 6mm piercing?

6mm is equal to a 2 gauge.

How many mils is equal to 1 gauge?

To convert guage to mils, multiply by 0.01 (see related link). 1 gauge equals 0.01 mils

Is the 12 gauge stronger than a 24 gauge shotgun?

All else being equal, yes.

What does 102 equal in thickness for aluminum?

Many aluminium plates are wide of 102 inches; this is not a thickness.

How does pressure gauge work?

Reverse airflow feels a chamber inside the gauge and reads the pressure equal to the inside of the tyre its that simple. Same for air compressure, when the pressure is applied it seals the valve on the gauge end then back pressure fills the chamber inside the gauge when you release the gauge from the tyre valve the pressure has gone!!

How many kilometer of broad gauge and meter gauge in India?


How many stars can star gauge hold?

as many as it can

If the gauge holds 120 cups of liquid and two thirds of the gauge is filled with water so how many cups of liquid is in the gauge?


What is the origin of shotgun shot size. I know Gauge is the number of balls in a pound of lead. Where did shot size come from?

Shotgun gauge diameter is determined by how many balls of lead the diameter of that gauge will equal one pound. Thus it takes 10 lead balls of 10 gauge diameter to equal one pound of weight. And 16 lead balls of 16 gauge diameter to equal one pound.Thats why the gauge number decreases when the diameter increases. SHOT SIZE It seems the history of shot size is uncertain. There are at least 24 different methods of determining shot size around the world. The method used in the USA currently is to subtract the shot size number from 17 and that number is the diameter in hundredths of an inch. Thus #4 shot would be 17-4=13 or .13" in diameter. Why 17, I cant find anyone who knows, so anybody know?

How does a rain gauge?

a rain gauge works by first making sure it rained, and seeing how many inches the rain filled up the rain gauge.