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Q: How many generations of cyanobacteria would there be in a million years if each bacterium lives for 24 hours?
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How many bacteria is there in 5 hours?

there are more than 10,000 bacterium in 5 hours

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The duration of Star Trek Generations is 1.97 hours.

How many hours will it take to get more than 100 cell from a single bacterium cell?

7 hours

If a certain bacterium divides every 30 min when will there be more than 1000 bacteria?

After 4 hours, as the bacterium doubles every 30 minutes, resulting in 8 divisions within this time frame. Starting with 1 bacterium, this will lead to 28 = 256 bacteria after 4 hours.

How would the body response be if it was infected by the same of bacteria again?

Bacteria can mutate amoung a dozen generations in a matter of hours so you can't get infected with the same exact bacterium twice. Your body will respond to the same species of bacteria the same way again.

How long do viruses to reproduce?

The time it takes for a virus to reproduce varies depending on the type of virus and conditions present. Some viruses, like the flu, can reproduce and spread quickly within a host, causing rapid onset of symptoms. Other viruses may have a slower replication rate.

How long is million hours?

A million hours is a million hours long. If you would like it expressed as another value, please specify. A million hours is 128 years, 34 days and 16 hours. A million hours is 3,600,000,000 seconds.

Ecoli bacteria can cause food spoilage and food poisoning one ecoli bacterium can reproduce and become 2 in 20 min how many bacteria will be produce in 1 hour in 2 hour in 24 hours from a single bacte?

In 1 hour, the single E. coli bacterium will produce 64 bacteria. In 2 hours, it will produce 4,096 bacteria. In 24 hours, it will produce approximately 16.8 million bacteria.

How many bacteria do you have from a single bacterium after 24 hours if it reproduces every hour?

You will have 16,777,216 bacteria after 24 hours if it reproduces once.

How many hours in 22million?

There are exactly 22 million hours in 22 million, obviously!

What can 1 bacterium can become in ten hours?

One bacterium can potentially multiply and form a colony of billions of bacteria within ten hours under ideal conditions. The exponential growth rate of bacteria allows them to reproduce rapidly under suitable environmental conditions.

How does a certain bacterium divide every 30 min to get 1000 bacteria?

The bacterium undergoes binary fission, where it duplicates its genetic material and divides into two daughter cells. This process repeats every 30 minutes, resulting in exponential growth. After 10 cycles (5 hours), one bacterium will have produced 1000 bacteria.