436 Sq feet = 1 Chatak
There is no unit of measurement for "gonda".
How many katha in 6 shatak
A katha is a measure of area. A decimal is simply a way of representing a number - any number. It has no relation t any measure.
From the Wikipedia article for "Katha (unit)" (it seems that Cottah is an alternate spelling for Katha): "A Katha is approximately 720-square-foot (67 m2) or 1/20 of a bigha. It is still in use in much of Bangladesh and India"
1 katha = 16 chatak
436 Sq feet = 1 Chatak
1 chatak =5 tola = 60 grams 1 pav = 4 chatak = 250 grams
There is no unit of measurement for "gonda".
These measures of area differ from one part of South Asia to another s a definitive answer is not possible. But a katha (or kotha) equals approx 6.6 decimals.
How many katha in 6 shatak
18 katha
Ente Katha has 107 pages.
One cottah = 720 sq. ft. 16 chataks = 1 cottah One chatak = 45 sq. ft. Correct me if I am wrong please.
1 katha=66.9 sq. metres 1 katha=720 sft
In Bangladesh, one katha is 720 square feet.
1 Katha in to square feet