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Q: How many grains of sand in one cup?
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How many grains of rice are in one half cup?

14,500 grains

How many grams are in one cup of grains?

The weight of one cup of grains can vary depending on the type of grain. On average, 1 cup of grains weighs approximately 200-240 grams.

How many molecules in a grain of sand?

There are a lot of sand grains in the world.

How much does one billion grains of sand weigh?

On average, a grain of sand weighs about 0.25 milligrams. Therefore, one billion grains of sand would weigh around 250 kilograms.

How many grains of rice are they in one cup?

According to, if rice is a staple part of your diet, then you need 18,400 grains of rice.

How many tons of sand are there in the deserts?

It is difficult to provide an exact number of tons of sand in all deserts because the amount can vary greatly across different regions. However, deserts typically have vast quantities of sand, with some containing trillions of tons.

If you place a cup of sand and a cup of water in the sun which one will heat up faster?

The cup of water will heat up faster than the cup of sand because water has a higher specific heat capacity, meaning it requires more energy to increase its temperature compared to sand. Sand, being a solid, has a lower specific heat capacity and will heat up more quickly.

How Many Grains of Sand are in the Gulf of Mexico?

This is an un-answerable question due to the fact that the number of grains of sand is constantly changing and we can not keep up with it. But I can tell you that Florida has more grains of sand than Rhode Island and less than the Sahara Desert. Hope I helped. Still counting.

How many cups are in 1 serving of grains?

what counts as an ounce equivalent of grains?1 slice of bread,1 cup of cereal or cup of cooked rice

Is sand homogeneous?

Sand is a heterogeneous mixture, as it is composed of a variety of different-sized particles such as minerals, rocks, and shells. This mixture gives sand its characteristic texture and color variations.

How many ants can be in one pack?

An ant "pack" is called a colony, but there could be thousands of ants in one colony. To count ants in a colony is like counting grains of sand in a sandbox.

How many grains of sand are there in an hour glass?

Diameter of a grain of sand = 0.2 mm Volume of a grain of sand = 0.0042 mm^3 Volume of bounding box = 0.008 mm^3 Volume of a 3 minute times = 2 cm^3 = 2000 mm^3 Grains of sand in a 3 min timer = 2,000/0.008 = 250,000 grains Grains of sand in a 1 hour timer = 250,000 x 60 / 3 = 5,000,000