To convert grains to grams, multiply by 0.06479891. So in 30 gr, there are 30x0.06479891=1.9 g
To convert grains to grams, multiply by 0.06479891. So in 30 gr, there are 30x0.06479891=1.9 g
100 gr because 1 kg = 1000 gr
60 mg is 0.925942 gr(grain), or 0.06 g(grams).
1 milligram = 0.001 grams
To convert grains to grams, multiply by 0.06479891. So in 30 gr, there are 30x0.06479891=1.9 g
3 cups (420 gr.) + 2 spoons (30 gr.)=450 gr. flour
5 gr is short for 5 grams :-)
120 gr = 7.77588 g120 gr = 7.77588 g120 gr = 7.77588 g120 gr = 7.77588 g120 gr = 7.77588 g120 gr = 7.77588 g
99.7903 grams
100 gr because 1 kg = 1000 gr
943.47 gr
There are about 453.592 grams in a pound.
There are 1000 grams in a kilogram.
60 mg is 0.925942 gr(grain), or 0.06 g(grams).
43 grams.
That is approximately 90.718 grams