There is 28.3495231 grams in an ounce of anything - gold, feathers, lead...whatever.
The unit used in weighing gold is the troy ounce; 1 troy ounce is equivalent to 31.1 grams.
31.1034768 grams exactly.Gold is measured in troy ounce( and not inavoirdupois ounce( which is 28.3495 gm).
There are 28 grams in an ounce.
One troy ounce of gold = about 31.1 grams.
1 ounce = 28.34 grams 1 gram = 0.03 oz
There are approximately 31.1 grams in one troy ounce of gold.
There are approximately 31.1 grams per troy ounce of gold.
One troy ounce of gold equates to about 31.103 grams.
There are approximately 31.1 grams in one troy ounce of gold.
There are approximately 31.1 grams in one ounce of gold.
There are approximately 31.1035 grams in 1 troy ounce of gold.
It takes about 28.35 grams of gold to make one ounce.
The unit used in weighing gold is the troy ounce; 1 troy ounce is equivalent to 31.1 grams.
About 31.1 grams.
There are approximately 0.643 ounces in 20 grams of gold.
There are approximately 31.1 grams in 1 ounce of gold.
62.2 - There are 31.1 grams per troy ounce