None u need 7 Acres of grapes to make one Gallon Buh by
1 Whole Apple Makes A Portion , One Of Your 5 A Day.
1 day = 86,400 seconds
There is 24 hours in 1 day!!
This last previous answer was incorrect. The USDA currently has listed that 1 serving of grapes is 1/2 cup, which they say is about 15 grapes (depending on sizes). Just because the USDA says 1 medium bunch is 50 grapes DOES NOT mean that's a serving size, that was listed as how many grapes you should eat a day as though that was the only fruit you had the whole day. Meaning, the USDA listed that 1 medium bunch (50 grapes) = the reccommended amount to eat for the reccomended amount of servings of fruit to eat daily. Aka: approx 50 grapes = 2-4 servings of fruit Previous answer: I'm surprised how it seems most websites have it wrong. According to the USDA: Grapes - 1 medium bunch (about 50 grapes) Fruit Group: counts as 1 ½ cups fruit That means ~33 grapes = 1 serving of fruit. Of course, 1 serving is proportionally more or less, the smaller or larger the grapes. Source: http://www.mypyramid.gov/pyramid/food_library/fruit/grapes.html You should go to that website to check other foods, too. Previous answer: 15 grapes, a bunch that'll easily fit in your hand
1 cup of concord grapes = approx. 60 calories.
On Earth, 24.
answer 1: The colour in the wine is from soaking the skins of grapes in the juice during fermentation. It is not from the grapes, they are colourless. I suppose the colour is what makes it stain. answer 2: Spillling red wine on your shirt makes a red wine stain.. ^_^
1 - 750 ml bottle of wine per kilo of grapes.
Individual grapes would be weighed in grams but bunches of grapes would be weighed in kilograms.
There is 1 left.
None u need 7 Acres of grapes to make one Gallon Buh by
You could create a math word problem of 3-2 with grapes by stating "If you had 3 grapes and you ate two of them, how many are left." The answer would be 1 grape is left.