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Q: How many great circles could you draw that are parallel to the great circle shown in this figure?
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Can two circles be parallel?

The circles could be in 2 planes that are parallel to each other. Lines and planes can be parallel. Lines of latitude are examples of circles that are in parallel planes.

How do you create three different drawings showing a number of circles and triangles in which the ratio of circles to triangles is 2 to 3?

To create three different drawings showing a number of circles and triangles in which the ratio is 2:3 you can: Start with an equilateral triangle, draw a circle inside it, draw an equilateral triangle inside the circle, draw a circle in the triangle and then draw an equilateral tiangle in the smallest circle. Or, you could draw 3 triangles and 2 circles in a line. Or, you could draw 3 triangles on a line with 2 circles between them.

What shape could not have parallel lines?

Triangles, Circles, Ellipses Only triangle if you only want polygons.

Words that resemble a concentric circle?

A dart board because they look like concentric circles and concentric circles look like circles with a center words like swirly could describe...

What triangle has at least two sides that are parallel?

A triangle cannot have two parallel sides. In order for a figure to be a triangle, it must be a closed figure with three sides and three angles. If two of the sides were parallel, there is no way the figure could be closed by only one other line.

What two dimensional figure is the base of a cone?

A circle could be, and I think that an ellipse also could be.

Which figure could never have at least one pair of parallel faces?

A triangle couldn't.

What is the ellipse of an oval?

An ellipse is the locus of a point such that the sum of its distance from two fixed points is the same. The shape is like a stretched circle but its circumference does not become a straight line.An oval is an imprecise term for all kinds of "stretched" circles. The word is derived from ova = egg so an oval could have the shape of the cross section of an egg; it could be an ellipse or it could be like a running track, which consists of two semi-circles with parallel straight sections.

Which geometric shape could not be drawn using both perpendicular line segments and parallel line segments?

A circle.

What geometric figure is described as the set of points equidistant from a fixed point?

It could be a circle or a sphere

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Parallelograms have parallel diagonals (these include squares, rectangles, rhombi, an trapezoids). Parallel lines are lines with the same slope that could carry on infinitely without intersecting. A parallelogram can have 1 or 2 sets of parallel lines.

Can transversals be parallel to each other?

Sure. You could have a set of parallel lines crossed by two transversals that are parallel to each other. The figure formed by their intersection would be a parallelogram! That's one way of looking at it...