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Contact the city council.

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Q: How many gun homicides in Pittsburgh?
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Related questions

How many gun killings?

The Centers for Disease Control says 11,493 people died from gun homicides in the USA.

How many homicides in Peoria Ill 2010?

22 homicides

How widespread is gun crime in Britain?

Homicides involving the use of a gun are rare, on the order of 50 to 100 a year or so. However, this does not mean that homicide is rare. Home Office statistics say that 6.6% of homicides involves a gun, and the rest are committed by other means.

How many homicides did Omaha Nebraska have in 2012?

Omaha had 40 homicides in 2012. Police are trying to find ways to lower the number of homicides.

Current homicides in Pontiac Michigan 2009?

to this date how many homicides have there been in pontiac.

How many gun related murders in 2007?

In 2007, around 70 percent of homicides were committed with a firearm in the Unites States. Around 100 thousand lives are claimed every year because of gun violence.

How many people were killed by guns in the Canada in 2011?

"In 2011, police reported 598 homicides in Canada, 44 more than the previous year. These 598 homicides resulted in a rate of 1.73 homicides per 100,000 population, an increase of 7% from 2010" I found this by googling "canada gun deaths per year". It took less than a minute.

How many gun deaths were in 2008?

There were approximately 31,593 gun deaths in the United States in 2008.

How many unjustifiable homicides by police?


How many homicides were there in US last year?

There were approximately 20,000 homicides in the US last year.

How many deaths in 2012 were related to being shot by a gun?

In 2012, there were approximately 33,500 deaths in the United States related to firearms, including suicides, homicides, and accidents.

How many people die from homicides?

The FBI reports that for 2008, the most recent year for completed statistics, the total was 14,180 homicides.