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Q: How many heartbeat of a pregnant in one minute?
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How many pulse of adult in 1 minute?

72.It is because one heartbeat generates 1 pulse.

How many heartbeats per year average?

Average heartbeat which is just an average number is 72 beats per minute. 72beats*60mins*24hrs*365.25days=37,869,120. Remember people don't have the same heartbeat rate and no one has the same heartbeat rate all year or every minute.

If going up steps for one minute what would the normal heartbeat be?


No fetal heartbeat still feel pregnant and baby has not passed?

There are two possible scenarios here. 1. You could still be pregnant but the monitor didn't pick up the heartbeat. 2. Miscarriage can take a while to actually happen. It can take one day or as many as 14 days to miscarry.

If you are three weeks pregnant with twins but the doctor saw only one heartbeat on the ultrasound and your hcg was 3045 will the other baby develop a heartbeat eventually?

Three weeks pregnant is a week before you miss a period so it is impossible to know it is twins. If you are three weeks after conception, (5 weeks pregnant)it is still early to see a heartbeat.

What is the strength or force of each heartbeat?

The strength or force of each heartbeat is referred to as cardiac output, which is the amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute. This is determined by the volume of blood ejected with each heartbeat (stroke volume) and the heart rate.

What is normal heartbeat?

You can find the average yourself by holding two fingers on the veins on your hand for one minute and see how many times your heart beats. Do this 5 more times then add all your data together and divide by how many times you counted your heartbeat which should be 6. You will then get the average for you. Do the same thing to your friends to get better data.

How many times the heart of a normal person beats in one day?

Given that the average adult heartbeat is around 70 beats a minute - it would beat approx 100800 in 24 hours.

How long does one heartbeat last?

It depends on the heart rate. For example: The normal resting heart rate for a person is 70 beats per minute. (60 seconds per minute) / (70 beats per minute) = 0.857 seconds

12 weeks pregnant but can not find a heartbeat by Doppler?

Are you using one at home? If so, they don't always pick up the heartbeat as well as the ones at the doctor's. My OB/GYN told not to use one because they aren't always very reliable and I would just get worried over nothing if I didn't hear the heartbeat.

When was One Heartbeat created?

One Heartbeat was created in 1986.

How many pulse in one second?

A pulse is typically counted per heartbeat, which varies from person to person but averages around 60-100 beats per minute at rest. To convert this to pulses in one second, you would divide by 60 (for 60 seconds in a minute), resulting in roughly 1-1.7 pulses per second.