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Q: How many hours a day do you have to lift weights?
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How often do pro baseball players lift weights?

I am hockey player and we (team) useally lift weights each 2nd day.

When should you do weights?

You should lift weights about 3 times a week. Any time of the day is good.

Is it more beneficial to run 5 miles every day or every other day and lift weights on those off days?

It depends how old you are. If you're barely a teenager, you should run every other day and lift weights 3 times a week. If youre older, then run every other day and lift weights on off days.

Can you lift weights the day after a tetanus shot?

it is not good for you to but you can if you want to get injured

What should you do to get a six pack?

Do torso and chest exersise every day and lift weights.

How much weights should you lift to notice change in a few weeks?

if you're really looking for results you need to lift heavy weights and work out a different muscle every day. eating right and using supplements would also help.

Can you lift weights 2 consecutive days?

Well it depends on how heavy the weights are and how much you lift them. If they are heavy, then be careful; don't overwork yourself or you will be sore the next day. You can judge what is right for yourself.

If You started competitive swimming and train twice a day 6 days a week for 2 hours and half and you run and lift weights 3 days a week how long will it take for your shoulders to get broad?

working out doesn't change your bone structure

How can you lose five pounds in one day?

For your health, losing 5 pounds in one day is not advisable.Run a few miles, do sit ups, push ups, and lift weights

You started lifting weights and you messed your shot up how do you get it back?

If you started lifting weights and you messed your shot up, it would be ideal to slowly work yourself back to where you were. Exercise and lift weights to help bring your body back to where it needs to be, slowly.

How many hours and 1 day?

If you mean "how many hours are IN one day", then there are 24 hours in a day.

How many tigers are lift to day?

about 5,000