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None they spend ALL their time reproducing

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Q: How many hours a day does an elephant spend eating a day?
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How many hours a day do Elephant sleep?

6 to 9 hours a day.

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How many hours does an elephant spend eating every day?

Elephants eat nearly 150 to 200 kilograms of plants and other plant material like grass, fruits etc. so if an animal has to eat that much food, it is not found in one place or one tree. Elephants keep moving from place to place and they eat the plants they find. They eat almost 6 to 8 hours in a day. Almost all the time they are awake and they eat.

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After finishing necessary things that you are supposed to do, spend as many hours as possible until you get reallytired.

How many hours does an elephant sleep per year?

Approximately 3,600 hours per year.

What are plant-eating African mammal?

Antelope, zebra, giraffe, elephant and many others.