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Q: How many hours a day will a turkey sit on her eggs?
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Related questions

How many kids does a turkey have?

Goats have kids, turkeys have... 'poults' or 'chicks'.But the hens lay a 'clutch' of 10-14 eggs, usually one per day.

How many eggs per day does a hen lay?

Only one. The reproductive capacity of a chicken is every 24 hours.

How much babies can a turkey vulture have?

A turkey will have a varied amount of babies each time they lay eggs. Some turkeys may have four eggs while others have up to 17 at a time.

What time of the day do quail lay there eggs?

at 25:13 Hours

How many eggs does a bedbug lay in a day?

5 eggs in a day

How many eggs can the lay?

2,000 eggs a day

How many hours and 1 day?

If you mean "how many hours are IN one day", then there are 24 hours in a day.

What is the safest way to defrost a 5kg turkey for use of the following day?

A 5 kg turkey can safely be defrosted in the refrigerator overnight. The turkey can be cooked in the oven for 3 hours.

How many eggs can a industrial chicken lay a day?

No matter what the breed, a chicken can only lay one egg about every 24 hours. The real difference is how many eggs a year. Some industrial chickens can lay over 250 eggs a year on average.

how many hours a day must they sit on their eggs?

The answer will depend on the species!The answer will depend on the species!The answer will depend on the species!The answer will depend on the species!

How long will a defrosted turkey last in the refrigerator?

A 2 kg turkey takes about 4 days to defrost. On average, you can defrost a 4lb turkey in a day.

How many eggs can a cackroach lay?

27 eggs a day.