833 minutes and 20 seconds.
20,000 hours is just over 833 days (833.333333333 days)
833 ÷ 94 = ~8.86 or 8 times with a remainder of 81.
Use the formula RT=D You want time, so T=D/R Which is 5000/6=833 and 1/3 seconds or (Note that you have meters/ (meters/sec)= metersx(sec/meter)=seconds. Just to keep track of the units.) Now 13 x60=780 and 833-780=53 so you have 13 minutes 53 and 1/3 seconds.
833 minutes and 20 seconds.
It takes 1 hour, 39 minutes and 58 seconds.
20,000 hours is just over 833 days (833.333333333 days)
A nonstop flight from Chicago, Illinois to Manchester, New Hampshire takes approximately 2 hours 25 minutes. The two cities are separated by 833 miles.
833 ÷ 94 = ~8.86 or 8 times with a remainder of 81.
Use the formula RT=D You want time, so T=D/R Which is 5000/6=833 and 1/3 seconds or (Note that you have meters/ (meters/sec)= metersx(sec/meter)=seconds. Just to keep track of the units.) Now 13 x60=780 and 833-780=53 so you have 13 minutes 53 and 1/3 seconds.
Flight 1: Brisbane International Airport (BNE) to Bangkok International Airport (BKK) on Thai Flight 474 takes 9 hours and 20 minutes. Layover at Bangkok International Airport for 4 hours and 35 minutes. Flight 2: Bangkok International Airport (BKK) to Cairo International Airport (CAI) on Egyptair 961 takes 9 hours and 10 minutes. Layover at Cairo International Airport for 18 hours and 25 minutes. Flight 3: Cairo International Airport to Asmara International Airport (ASM) on Egyptair 833 takes 2 hours and 40 minutes. TOTAL FLIGHT TIME: 44 hours and 10 minutes and $1,159 on Seatguru.com
83.3/100 = 833/1000
≈ .473 miles